
5 Classroom Strategies for Managing Student Behavior

Before effective teaching can happen, educators must develop their own strategy for managing their students’ behavior. In the first few days of the semester, teachers must invest in modeling appropriate behavior so the rest of the year runs smoothly. Educators have several different strategies for creating a positive, polite learning environment with a classroom management system. Here are five classroom methods of managing student behavior.

1. Character Education

One method for a classroom management system that has proven to get results from students is focusing on character education. Character education emphasizes teaching students good character traits, such as honesty, empathy, kindness, and determination. Focusing on different traits throughout the year is a great way to reinforce positive behaviors across all levels of education.

2. Positive Behavior Systems

Teachers can also commit to using positive behavior systems to maintain a well-behaved class. For this type of classroom management system, the focus is on rewarding good conduct and stopping negative behaviors. This type of system requires dedication by the teacher to a structured classroom environment that is consistent with rewards and punishments.

3. Detailed Routines

Another way educators manage their students’ behavior is by setting up detailed classroom routines. At the beginning of the year, teachers must teach and model the routines to the students so they know what is expected of them. Specific class procedures also help keep kids engaged and paying attention to the lesson. Often, bad student behavior is a result of a child not being fully engaged in the lesson or not knowing what to do.

4. Strong Relationships

Teachers that have taken the time to build strong, positive relationships with their students also may have fewer behavior problems in the classroom. Educators can do this by getting to know each of their students individually and learning about the student’s interests and life. When students feel like their teachers are on their side and interested in their life, it may give them a little more motivation to achieve in the classroom.

5. Student Collaboration

Students can also be involved in the process of creating a behavior management system. Some teachers have found success with classroom behavior by collaborating with their students in the beginning days of the semester. The class works together to create norms and expectations and develops methods of encouraging positive behavior and enforcing agreed-upon rules.

A functioning classroom that is a center for learning also needs a strong classroom management system that emphasizes positive behavior and respect among students and the teacher. These systems don’t happen automatically. Teachers and administrators must work together to find a solution that works for the students.

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